Tuesday, January 6, 2009

understand the life of the world

The word "world" means low and temporary. Meaning of life in the world that life is low and temporary. God illustrates the life of the world such as rain water that fertilize the plants until a certain time and finally the plants are dry.

Allah SWT said, "The similitude of worldly life is like rain water which We send down from the sky, and the plants grow in the fertile earth, because it, among them, who have eaten by humans and cattle. And when the earth was perfect beauty , and also wearing adornment, and the owners think that they certainly take it, suddenly came to her doom We in the evening or afternoon, and made it like plants that have been destroyed, as it were, had never grow yesterday. Thus do We explain the signs of Our to the people who think. " (QS 10: 24).

Life of this world is just a game or an amusement. While the life of the Hereafter are indeed, better and more lasting (QS 6: 32). Thus, the Muslim should not be deceived by the life of the world that is temporary. He should consider the interests of the Hereafter in each activity. He said,''And what is given to you, then it is worldly enjoyment and adornment; while that which is with Allah is better and more lasting. So, don't you understand? So, if we promised him that a promise of good (Paradise) and he does, with the same people that we gave him worldly pleasure, and he was on the Day of Resurrection of the tow (in hell)?''( QS 28: 60-61).

The reality remains that many people deceived by the life of the world so that they forget the Hereafter is eternal with Allah. People like this will get the punishment from God. He said,''and said (to them), 'This day We forget you as you have forgotten the meeting (with) this day and place of return is the Fire, and you never get the helper. That is, because you made the revelations as God-teasing fun and you've tricked by the life of the world, then this day does not exclude them from hell and they are not given the opportunity to repent. '''(QS 45: 34 -35).

Allah ordered Muslims keep away people who just love the world. For those that do not follow his instructions and be lost in a life. He said,''So (O Muhammad) of those who turn away from Our desire and does not except the world. That far-away their knowledge. Your Lord, He is the most know who strayed from His way and He also knows that most who receive guidance.''(QS 53: 29-30).

(Source: Republika Wisdom, by Firdaus MA)

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